" Do not go gentle into that good night; Old age should burn and rave at the close of the day. Rage, rage against the dying of the light" "Gargantua, the black hole of Interstellar is actually what the movie is all about" Is it? or, Is it not? Let us find it out....... We have all done enough schooling to understand the fact that you have to first work on your basics before understanding any complex phrase or statement, so before all this let us get into the physics of a Black Hole. So what is a Black Hole? It is a little difficult to explain about a black hole without getting into the intricacies of physics but I've tried to simplify it for all of us. In plain layman terms, it is a collapsed star i.e a star which collapsed into itself due to it's high gravity. This mentioned star is so high on gravity( expensive thrills) that it sucks up everything around it be it time or light, and you were boasting after just a few joints, so le...